Music Playgroup
A half hour music program involving parents (carers) and young children together, providing the tools to sing, dance and play anywhere!
Opportunity for play, coffee and chat (for the adults!) following music.
Music sessions are based around a theme with songs from nursery rhymes as well as contemporary music.
For more information please contact Lyn via phone 0478 310 150 or email
When: Mondays during term time 10.00am-11.00am
Cost: Gold coin per child
Fellowship Group
The Fellowship Group is open to men and women of all ages. it meets in the Church Hall at 2.00pm on the third Wednesdays in February, April, June, August, October and December. Meetings include a speaker, short devotions and afternoon tea.
Tuesday Catch-Up
Drop in for a cuppa or conversation with the minister in the Chapel Hall, from 10.00am – 12.00. Includes Holy Communion on 2nd Tuesdays of the month and occasional Bible Study.
Friends Groups
These are groups that meet most months for a social event and friendship. They are welcoming to new members. If you want to know more about them please look out for notices in the newsletter or contact the office.
Special Occasions 2025
- Monday 27th January: Bunnings BBQ @ Bunnings Marion will be run by Marion UC. Volunteers for the BBQ roster can talk to Lyn Vawser.
- Sunday 9th March: Pancake Day. Funds raised go to Uniting Care
- 5th March – 17th April: Lent Event (Uniting World) giving will be promoted
- Good Friday 18th April: Hot Cross Buns will be served for morning tea
- Sunday 25th May: Sorry Day will be acknowledged in the service
- June 1st and 2nd: Packing Day. Clothing and other goods will be sorted & packed in the Hall to go to indigenous communities
- Sunday 5th October: Frontier Services giving will be promoted
- 30th November – 24th December: Christmas Bowl (Act for Peace) giving will be promoted