All people are welcome and included here at Marion-Warradale
We acknowledge the Kaurna people as the traditional custodians of the land where we meet and worship
We are committed to the Covenant between the UCA and UAICC.
We are glad to come together on Sundays to worship God.
May our worship give you strength and courage for the coming week.
Please join us at any of the following times for worship:
Sunday 10.00am at Marion Uniting Church
Family service for all ages including a mix of contemporary and traditional music led by our band. This service is live-streamed and can be accessed via our Facebook page. The video recording will also available under the Resources Tab on this website. (Please allow a few hours after the conclusion of the service for the video to be uploaded.)
Click this Link to access our Facebook page
Tuesday Service
Held on the second Tuesday of each month at 11.00am in the Wesleyan Chapel. It is a short service including sharing in Holy Communion.
Both services are followed by morning tea.
Please contact us by phone on 08 82961646, or by email at admin@marionwarradale.ucasa.org.au
Minister: Rev Beth Seaman
Mobile: 08 82961646; Email: minister@marionwarradale.ucasa.org.au
We encourage people to stay home if you are feeling unwell, and join our Sunday service via Facebook Livestream on Sunday morning, click here to jump to Facebook, or after the service via video. Click here to access the videos.
Get in touch with us…
For general enquiries feel free to email us admin@marionwarradale.ucasa.org.au. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Contact Us & Our Location
Church Office
Phone: 08 8296 1646
Email: admin@marionwarradale.ucasa.org.au
Rev Beth Seaman
Email: minister@marionwarradale.ucasa.org.au
Church Council Chairperson
Wendy Pearce
Property Hire/Bookings
Mr Philip McMartin
Mobile: 0400 770 619
Email: propertyhire@marionwarradale.ucasa.org.au
Church Office Street Address
9-11 Township Road, Marion SA 5043
Marion Congregation Street Address
9-11 Township Road, Marion SA 5043 (Cnr Township Rd & Church Crescent)