We welcome you to join us at any of the following times for worship:
February 2025 at Marion Uniting Church
Sunday Morning in the Church
9th February 10.00am Rev Beth Seaman
16th February 10.00am (Holy Communion) Rev Beth Seaman
23rd February 10.00am Susy Plein
Contemplative Communion in the Chapel
Tuesday 11th February 11.00-11.30am Rev Beth Seaman
Meditation in the Christian Tradition in the Chapel
Saturday 1st March 10.00-10.45am Rev Beth Seaman
enquiries to beths@internode.on.net
Regular Services:
Sunday 10.00am at Marion Uniting Church
Family service for all ages including a mix of contemporary and traditional music led by our band. This service is live-streamed and can be accessed via our Facebook page. The video recording will also available under the Resources Tab on this website. (Please allow a few hours after the conclusion of the service for the video to be uploaded.)
Click this Link to access our Facebook page
Tuesday Service
Held on the second Tuesday of each month at 11.00am in the Wesleyan Chapel. It is a short service including sharing in Holy Communion.
Both services are followed by morning tea.
Please contact us by phone on 08 82961646, or by email at admin@marionwarradale.ucasa.org.au
- if you would like to receive our weekly email bulletin which includes worship material and community news;
- if you would like to have a conversation about what we believe;
- if you would like some pastoral support through our Minister and Pastoral Care team.
Minister: Rev Beth Seaman
Mobile: 08 82961646; Email: minister@marionwarradale.ucasa.org.au
Click here to jump to information specific to Baptisms, Weddings and funerals.
Health advice:
We encourage people to stay home if you are feeling unwell and join our Sunday service via Facebook Livestream on Sunday morning, click here to jump to Facebook or after the service via video. Click here to access the videos.
A Sacred Place
Simplicity I Silence I Service
Marion Uniting Church – Mission
- Sunday worship offers a traditional liturgy with a contemporary message & music within an inclusive congregation.
- Spiritual gifts are discerned & nurtured; offering a way for people to lead & serve.
- A sense of belonging is fostered by the way we communicate who we are & what we do.
- Governance and administrative systems are designed for efficiency.
- As silence is God’s first language, our heritage Chapel & surrounding gardens are spaces for stillness, prayer & meditation.
- Silence is offered to individuals & groups through a mid-week Chapel Service with Holy Communion, a meditation group & retreat days.
- Pastoral care & spiritual direction are available for those who wish to practice silence as a spiritual discipline in daily life.
- A time to listen to scripture & hear God speaking is for those who want to deepen & cultivate their appreciation of the Bible.
- Being alert to where God is calling us to serve is at the heart of church life.
- The calling to be a blessing to others is expressed in the congregation through pastoral care & small groups.
- Fostering a safe, inclusive & nurturing church is the responsibility of all who call Marion their spiritual home.
- Faithful stewardship of a significant property is an opportunity for connection with the wider community.
Rev Beth Seaman – Minister
Wendy Pearce – Chairperson
Andrew Pill – Secretary
Lyn Vawser – Treasurer
Philip McMartin
Susy Plein
Andrew Pill – Chairperson of Congregation
Richard Miller – Secretary of Congregation
While councilors have at least one key area of responsibility all are engaged in all matters of mission, governance and safe church practices.
The Uniting Church SA seeks to be an innovative, growing church proclaiming Jesus Christ, empowered by the Spirit to transform God’s world. Read More.
The Uniting Church is a young church – formed on 22 June 1977, when the Congregational, Methodist, and Presbyterian Churches united to become one. The Basis of Union is the document which affirms our Christian faith and is the guide to what is central to the life of the Uniting Church in Australia.
Read the Basis of Union here.
Marion-Warradale Uniting Church has been created over the years from several churches in the local area and has seen many changes. For more information, click on this link.